“All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” ~ Acts 2:44-45
As a ministry of Salem Presbytery, El Buen Pastor depends on being part of a network of congregations that share encouragement, time & talents, and financial resources – much like the early church (Acts 2:44-45, 11:20-26; 1 Corinthians 16:1-3).
To facilitate these connections, El Buen Pastor’s Steering Team encourages all Sessions in Salem Presbytery to learn about our ministry and discern how your congregation may be called to join hands with the Latino/a community. Then, please contact us to share your congregation’s specific interests with El Buen Pastor’s Steering Team.
~ Time & Talents ~
We welcome volunteers who would like to:
- Teach visual or performing arts to our children on Thursday evenings
- Facilitate other enrichment activities (e.g., music, sports, etc.)
- Teach Sunday School
We also invite partner congregations to:
- Promote El Buen Pastor’s twice-yearly festivals/fundraisers
- Accompany our leaders at public actions to address needs of the Latino/a community (e.g., education, health care, etc.). The presence of our siblings in Christ from other communities helps demonstrate broad support for policies that uplift our people.
Wonderful art class volunteers!!
Members of a partner church attend a Latino Congress action to support more bilingual staff in schools.
~ Financial Gifts ~
Our annual budget is currently $100,000. Pastor Jorge has worked hard to increase congregational tithes, offerings, and fundraising proceeds from $14,000 in 2021 to a goal of $30,000 in 2023.
This means that we must raise $70,000 from partner churches and individual donors to sustain the ministry of El Buen Pastor on its current “shoestring” budget.
In addition, we would like to increase our budget to properly compensate our Director of Christian Education. Ana Santos, Rev. Jorge’s wife, is a gifted, seminary-educated minister. She currently works full time, with no compensation, leading a women’s Bible study, children’s Sunday School, the art and music program, and more. Our Steering Team believes it is only right and just that she be supported for her work.
We greatly appreciate financial support from partner congregations in Salem Presbytery and beyond. At this time, gifts can be made by check to:
El Buen Pastor Church
4637 Tim Rd., Winston-Salem NC 27106
Ana Santos (above) works as our Director of Christian Education. El Buen Pastor's Steering Team would like to increase our budget to compensate her for her work!
~ Thank you to our 2023 Partners! ~
Clemmons Presbyterian
First Presbyterian (Winston-Salem)
Highland Presbyterian
Website hosting & technical assistance
Shallowford Presbyterian
Trinity Presbyterian (Winston-Salem)